Request Items from the Shelf:
Students, faculty and staff are welcome to request books be paged from the library stacks by submitting a request in the catalog. When doing a search in OneSearch, be sure to select Books & Media at CSUF so that all results are for material located at the Pollak Library. After finding the result you would like to request, sign in to get complete results and the ability to request it. Once the request has been made, expect a turnaround time of 24 hours, though it may arrive sooner.
or from Another CSU or other California Academic Library:
Circulating items from other CSUs and other academic libraries in California found in OneSearch can also be requested. You need to sign in to be able to request it. The turnaround time will be greater than an item requested from our local CSUF collection, from 2 to 4 days depending on which CSU campus it comes from.