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Chicana & Chicano Studies (CHIC): Focus: Health

Subject guide for Chicana and Chicano Studies (CHIC)

Missing Governmental Data

Find your way back to the future with the Internet Archive's Wayback MachineMr. Peabody's WayBack MachineCan't find federal government information, reports and other materials from other organizations that receive federal funding? With the new administration's goal to make stuff disappear that they don't like regardless of it's scientific validity, there will be lots of information disappearing from the World Wide Web and replaced with misinformation. Learn to use the INTERNET ARCHIVE'S Wayback Machine.

Discipline-specific Databases for Chicana and Chicano Studies Health Topics

Your topic will dictate which of these discipline-specific databases would be good to use to find books, articles and book chapters on your topic. Select databases that are in the subject area of your topic. If there is not a database on this list that would include your topic, take a look at the subject guides in that subject area. If the full text is not available in the database you are using, use the "Find it" button to see if it we own a print copy or have access to the full text in another database.

Primary Resources for Chicano Studies Health Topics

Reports and Statistics -- Federal Governmental Agencies for Health Topics

Links to government organizations that provide research and statistics on Chicanos and Latinos.

Most Federal departments and agencies will have reports and statistics in their areas of coverage. Below are some examples from agencies in the Federal Government most likely to be helpful to those doing health-related research on Chicanos and Latinos. You can also try searching, the U.S. Government Official Search engine, or the Federal Digital System (FDsys) from the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) for more Federal reports and statistics.

Reports and Statistics -- California State Agencies

Reports & Statistics -- NGOs

Examples of non-governmental organizations and databases that provide research and statistics on Chicanos and Latinos: