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Pollak Library

Videos & Tutorials: Health & Human Development

This guide hosts a number of videos and tutorials for various disciplines, databases, and library services.

An Introduction to PubMed [title card]

 An Introduction to PubMed (9:10) movie icon

This video provides a brief introduction to using PubMed with the Pollak Library's databases.




Homepage and OneSearch orientation video Pollak Library homepage and OneSearch search engine (6:44) movie icon

This video offers a description and orientation for nursing students at CSU Fullerton. This video is the first part of a three part series and covers the library website and the OneSearch search engine.



CINAHL Complete & APA PsychINFO [title card]

 CINAHL Complete and APA PsychInfo tutorial icon

 This brief tutorial walks users through accessing and using the CINAHL Complete database for health sciences. The tutorial also shows users how to search the APA PsychInfo database simultaneously.



CINAHL Plus video title card

 CINAHL Plus with Full Text (7:07) video icon

 This video provides an overview of CINAHL PLus with Full Text for students at Cal State Fullerton.




Child & Adolescent Studies

A Review of the CAS 301 APA PsychINFO Exercise Revised Fall 2023A Review of the CAS 301 APA PsychINFO Exercise Revised Fall 2023 (10:06) Movie icon

This video covers the revised APA PsychINFO exercise for CAS 301

Introduction to APA PsychInfo for CAS Majors [title card]Introduction to APA PsychInfo for CAS Majors (11:44) movie icon

This video provides an introduction to the APA PsychInfo database and walks viewers through how best to use it for researching topics in Child and Adolescent Studies.



CAS Subject Guide [title card]CAS Subject Guide (6:08) movie icon

Covers the Pollak Library's Child & Adolescent Studies online subject guide.




CAS 300 - Evaluating sources [title card]CAS 300 - Evaluating Sources (12:41) movie icon

This video shows how to evaluate sources, particularly websites, for the CAS 300 research assignment. Students should watch this before doing the Website Evaluation Exercise.



CAS 300 - Website Evaluation Exercise Follow Up [title card]CAS 300 - Website Evaluation Exercise Follow Up (9:28) movie icon

This video goes over the Website Evaluation Exercise. Students should complete the exercise before watching this video.



Searching ERIC [title card]Searching ERIC (11:12) movie icon

This video will go over the database called ERIC. This database is very helpful when researching topics related to CAS and Education.



Searching Using Boolean Operators [title card]Searching Using Boolean Connectors (4:50) movie icon

This video will show you how you can use the Boolean Connectors, AND, OR, NOT, to build searches in library databases.