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Pollak Library

Engineering & Computer Science: Home

Research guide for engineering & computer science

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Major Resources

AI Research Discovery Tools

AI research discovery tools are useful for exploratory searches and visualizing topic connections, while academic resources like Scopus are better suited for in-depth research requiring comprehensive data and rigorous peer-reviewed articles.

Laptop/Device Checkout

   Laptop with multiple icons on screenStudents can checkout laptops and other devices from the Center for Equitable Digital Access (Library North 2nd Floor) and the Student Genius Center (Library North 1st Floor)

Open Access Agreements (publish at no cost)

ACS Publications (until Dec. 2025)
Cambridge University Press (until Dec. 2024)
Elsevier (until Dec. 2024)
IOPScience (until Dec. 2025)

Research guide for chemistry

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Research guide for chemistry

Research guide for physics


Research guide for physics

Research guide for mathematics


Research guide for mathematics

Research guide for engineering & computer science

Engineering & Computer Science

Research guide for engineering & computer science

Research guide for geological sciences

Geological Sciences

Research guide for geological sciences

Research guide for biology

Biological Science

Research guide for biology

STEM Librarian

Profile Photo
*Robert Tomaszewski
Pollak Library, PLN-125

Study Space Reservation

  1. Study space reservation rooms (Pollak Library North and South)
  2. Study space reservation for smart group study rooms (PLN-111, 112, 113; PLN-211, 212, 213, 214; PLN-311, 312)
  3. Study space reservation for larger rooms (PLN-140, PLS-360, PLN-130).
  4. Study space reservation for the Innovation/Makerspace (PLN-215) 

Other areas of interest:
CSUF Startup Incubator