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Pollak Library

Human Communication Studies: Finding Books

Books & E-books

To find books & ebooks related to HCOM, you will use the Library's OneSearch catalog.  At the library's homepage, OneSearch is in the middle of the screen.  Choose the "Advanced Search" to the right; then choose "Books & Media (CSUF)" at the top.

screenshot of Library Homepage linking to OneSearch Advanced










There are many ways you can search for books.  If you already know a particular title or author, you can use the pull-down menu, at the left, to limit to title or author.  But if you just want to explore what's available, use these 2 ways to search:

Keywords: just type any word or words you want and it will display books (and their floor/shelf location) that match those words in the title or description.  For example:       
      - effective speaking
      - corporate communication
      - body language
Subject: after you do a keyword search and see books listed, find a book that is a close match to what you want.  At that book's display screen, you'll see some subject terms (or tags).  Once you know those terms, you can re-do your search as a SUBJECT search.  Then all the other books, also on that same subject, will be displayed.   Here are some examples of subject terms:      
      - Public Speaking
      - Interpersonal Communication
      - Intercultural Communication

Video demos: For video demos/tutorials how to use OneSearch, click here: icon of video-play button


When you find a book on OneSearch, it will tell you the location. Books are located on either the 3rd floor north side, or the 4th-5th floors south side.  These floors are self-service--you find and retrieve books yourself; there is no library staff on those floors.  Books are arranged on the shelves by book numbers.  These book numbers are a two-letter+number code or "call number".  The two-letters stand for subjects.  For example the P 87-99 shelves are books on Human Communication.  The PN 4111-4121 shelves are books on Public Speaking.  The  PN 4181 shelves are books on Debate.  The BF 637 shelves are books on Interpersonal Communication. For a video demo/tutorial on call numbers, click here: icon of video-play button   

reading books RETRIEVING E-BOOKS

The library's OneSearch catalog retrieves both print books and e-books. When you see an e-book in your search, simply click it, and it will take you to a log-in page.  Your log-in is your same CSUF log-in (username & password).  You can access e-books 24 hours a day.  Some e-books allow you to download the entire book for offline reading later; other e-books do not allow this, and you can only read them while connected online (the difference is because different publishers have different rules).

Communications Librarian

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John Hickok