Review of Educational Research - The Review of Educational Research (RER) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education, including conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research.
American Educational Research Journal - The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) is the flagship journal of AERA, with articles that advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning. It publishes original peer-reviewed analyses spanning the field of education research across all subfields and disciplines and all levels of analysis, all levels of education throughout the life span and all forms of learning.Submissions reflect the highest quality in a wide range of perspectives, topics, contexts, and methods.
Race Ethnicity and Education - Race Ethnicity and Education is the leading peer-reviewed journal on racism and race inequality in education. The journal provides a focal point for international scholarship, research and debate publishing original and challenging research that explores the dynamics of race, racism and ethnicity in education policy, theory and practice.
Journal of Education Policy - The Journal of Education Policy aims to discuss, analyse and debate policymaking, policy implementation and policy impact at all levels of and in all facets of education. It offers a forum for theoretical debate, and historical and comparative studies, as well as policy analysis and evaluation reports. The journal also analyses key policy documents and reviews relevant texts and monographs.
Journal of Leadership Studies - The mission of the Journal of Leadership Studies is to publish leadership research and theoretical contributions that bridge the gap between scholarship and practice and that exemplify critical inquiry into contemporary organizational issues and paradigms. The journal promotes interdisciplinary and interorganizational theory, fostering dialogue that transcends industry specific contexts and that explores leadership's role in improving organizational practices and human life. Published material in the journal will include research-based and theoretical papers that explicitly address leadership on various social, cultural, and organizational contexts.
Journal of College Student Development - The largest and leading source of research about college students and the field of student affairs, publishes scholarly articles and reviews from a wide range of academic fields.
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice - Publishes articles on research and practice in the student affairs field in higher education, encouraging open and critical discourse across disciplines.
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Community College Review - A refereed, scholarly journal of original articles on both the theoretical and practical aspects of community college education in the areas of administration and management, changing technology, instruction, programming and curriculum and student needs.
Community College Journal of Research and Practice - The journal is a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners in higher education and the behavioral and social sciences. It promotes an increased awareness of community college issues by providing an exchange of ideas, research, and empirically tested educational innovations.
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College - JARCC is a semi-annual peer-reviewed journal that features articles relating to the integration of research and theory to practice in community colleges. The journal provides an intellectual space to communicate innovative practices in applied research that supports educational and administrative decision-making at the institutional, state, and national levels.
Journal of Higher Education - Published in affiliation with the American Association for Higher Education. Articles, review essays and book reviews dealing with all aspects of higher education.
Research in Higher Education - Empirical studies on administration and faculty, curriculum and instruction, student characteristics, alumni assessment, recruitment and admissions, prediction and student academic performance, attrition and transfer for college administrators.
New Directions for Community Colleges - Coverage of the guidance needed in meeting the challenges of administrators distinctive and expanding educational mission.
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Five minute video that breaks down the "peer-reviewed" process in journal articles.