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Pollak Library

Marketing: Books

Subject guide for Marketing

Marketing Books

To find books (including e-books) in the CSUF Library

Use the Library Catalog to find books on your topic in the CSUF Library.  You may search for an item by author, title, subject, and call number, as well as any word in the title, subject, and content notes. If you are having difficulty finding materials using a subject search, use a word search instead. Do not hesitate to ask the librarians at the reference desk for help.
Information you will find of value in the Library Catalog is:

  • Where the item is located (online, in the stacks, reference, etc. )
  • The call number (where the book is filed on the shelf) 
  • The status (whether it is on the shelf, missing or checked out to another borrower). 

 Materials in this library are classified and shelved by the Library of Congress classification system. Most books on Marketing are in the HF range. The Library of Congress systems puts books on similar subjects together on the shelf.  Some useful subjects to search for books on business administration are:

Finding Books in Other Libraries

To Find Books in Other Libraries:

If the Pollak Library does not own the book you need, you can obtain it from another library through our Interlibrary Loan Service.

  •  Worldcat is a "catalog of catalogs". It contains information about books and other materials owned by thousands of libraries around the world. They may be ordered, at no charge for current students, faculty, and staff, through interlibrary loan.


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Robert Sage