After registering for your ORCID, be encouraged to add supplemental information about your teaching/research positions, educational background, scholarly and creative activities, grants, awards, and your service activities to your ORCID record. Adding these things will increase the usefulness of your profile for others who wish to find and evaluate your work. Get started with edits by signing in to your account.
Note: For an overview on how to edit your profile page, see this post by Rebecca Bryant.
You can add your publications, performances, reviews, and other academic works in several ways.
you can import citations from databases, either directly from those databases, from within your ORCID profile (Works: Add: Search & link), or both. Recommended options include:
1) Datacite Commons. The quickest, easiest, and most comprehensive workflow to add works to your ORCID profile if they have DOIs.
2) CrossRef Metadata Search: Allows you to import from a registry of more than 70 million articles, conference proceedings, books, and book chapters that have received DOIs upon publication
3) ResearcherID: Allows you to import citations from Web of Science
4) Scopus to ORCID: Allows you to import citations where you've published with Elsevier or journals that Elsevier indexes.
5) MLA International Bibliography: Allows you to import from MLA International Bibliography
Some of these services require you to sign up for a free account on the website and either establish a researcher ID or claim one if it already exists. They typically also allow you to elect for automatic updates in the future.
From within your ORCID profile, you can enter a DOI (Works:Add :Add DOI) or PubMed ID (Works: Add: Add PubMed ID) to automate the ingest of the work metadata from these public registries/indexes.
If you have already created a Google Scholar profile, you can populate your ORCID profile using the citations listed there. Navigate to your Google Scholar profile and select the citations you'd like to add to ORCID. Click on "Export" and select "BibTeX." Copy your citations into a text editor and save the file as a .bib file with UTF-8 encoding.
Next navigate to your ORCID profile. Under "Add Works," select "Import BibTeX." Select your .bib file and complete the import.
If you cannot find and import your citations elsewhere, you can always enter them manually. Under either "Funding" or "Works" in your ORCID profile, navigate to "Add: Add manually." ORCID provides dozens of work types that you can choose from when listing citations. These include categories like artistic performance, data set, invention, lecture, and license.
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