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Pollak Library

Open Educational Resources and Zero-Cost Course Materials

Advocating for more OER and ZCCM Classes


Students have the most important voice on any university campus, and using yours to advocate for reducing education costs through wider adoption of OER and ZCCM is critical. Adding student voices to this ongoing discussion not only holds universities accountable to their students, but it allows students to have some agency in their own education.

The resources linked on this page can provide student advocates with the facts, advocacy tools, campaign strategies, and networks dedicated to expanding the use of OER/ZCCM and open education on campus.

These include practical resources to help students:

  • Start conversations with faculty and university administration
  • Draft student government resolutions 
  • Create and run an advocacy campaign on campus
CSUF Advocacy Resources


Getting started with advocacy can feel overwhelming, but there are some CSUF people and resources that can help you take manageable first steps.

Did you know?:

  • As a CSUF student, you are a member of the Associated Students Inc. (ASI), and you can get them involved in advocacy
  • The Pollak Library has a librarian dedicated to helping faculty with the adoption of OER and ZCCM
  • Cal State Fullerton receives funding from the Chancellor's Office through the Affordable Learning Solutions initiative to promote and implement zero and low-cost materials on campus.
  • The Open Fullerton program provides resources across campus for those looking to learn more

The links below can connect you with the people and resources on our campus that can help your advocacy efforts.