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Search Techniques

Search Strategies

Be elastic & be specific. Both are necessary. Narrow down your topic when your topic is too broad or when you find too much information. Expand your topic when you do not find enough information. You can also use the following techniques to help you narrow down or expand your searches.

Search Techniques

  1. AND -- to narrow down/refine a topic by combining words together

    electronic commerce AND cloud computing
    Big Data AND health care outcome
  2. OR -- use nested search to include synonyms or related words

    (social media OR twitter)
    (artificial intelligence OR AI)

  3. "   " -- use double quotes to search words as a phrase and to make searches more precise

    "Social media"
    "machine learning"

  4.  -- use the asterisk/wildcard to truncate words so you can retrieve letters after the stem

    teach* ->  teach, teacher, teachers, teaching
    pollut* -> pollut, pollutes, pollutant, polluting, pollution

Multidisciplinary Databases

Nature- Science-Technology