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ASAM 308 Asian American Women: Journal Articles

Search as Strategic Exploration

Search & Re-search

A portrait of Grace Lee Boggs.

Journal Articles

Begin your research using selected databases below. You can also access more Asian American Studies Databases from the Pollak Library Homepage.

Article Search Examples

  1. Be elastic / be specific -- Narrow down your topic (when your topic is too broad), or expand your topic (when you find too little)
    Asian American women                Korean American women                 Pacific Islander women
  2. AND -- use AND to narrow down/refine a topic
    Asian American women AND economy
  3. Nested Search -- use this technique to include synonyms or related words
    (economy or economics or labor) AND Asian American women
  4. *  the truncation mark -- use * asterisk to retrieve letters after the truncated stem word
    econom* -- will retrieve economy, economics, economically and etc.
    stereotyp* -- will retreive stereotype, stereotypes, stereotypical, etc. 
  5. Use quotation marks -- "  " -- to search topic as phrase-- this will narrow down search results
    "racial solidarity"                   "Korean American women"                "political activism"