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Digital Literacy for Anthropology 402 (Campbell): Home

Digital literacy guide for Anthropology 402 (Museum Science) for the Fall 2020 semester..


Welcome to the Digital Literacy instruction guide for the Anthropology 402 Museum Science course.

This guide is intended to supplement our synchronous instruction sessions this semester, for students to refer back to as they build out their culminating digital exhibits and think about how to apply an emerging technology like virtual reality to museums and exhibitions. If you have questions or need assistance, contact the Digital Literacy Librarian using the information listed on the right.

At the end of this semester's library instruction sessions, you will be able to:

  • explain why public domain and Creative Commons licensed digital assets can be used free of charge and without violating copyright,
  • locate public domain and Creative Commons licensed digital assets,
  • install and use virtual reality (VR) apps on a Google Cardboard style headset,
  • utilize a Meta Quest 2 headset to access pre-installed VR experiences,
  • search for museum and exhibit-related VR experiences online,
  • discuss some of the benefits and challenges of using VR for museums and exhibits.