Trans in College: Transgender Students' Strategies for Navigating Campus Life and the Institutional Politics of Inclusion by Z. Nicolazzo
Queer Religiosities: An Introduction to Queer and Transgender Studies in Religion by Melissa M. Wilcox
The Queer Games Avant-garde: How LGBTQ Game Makers Are Reimagining the Medium of Video Games by Bonnie Ruberg
Trans in College: Transgender Students' Strategies for Navigating Campus Life and the Institutional Politics of Inclusion by Z. Nicolazzo
Queer Religiosities: An Introduction to Queer and Transgender Studies in Religion by Melissa M. Wilcox
Most of the books in the Pollak Library collection are scholarly, and they are excellent resources when you want an overview of the topic.
Research Tip: Start with a simple search with one or two important terms in your search phrase. Keep adding terms if your results are too broad. For example:
There are three ways to find books:
1. To find books available in our library use the OneSearch bar on the library's homepage and select "Books & Media (CSUF)"
2. If you cannot find what you need in our collection, try expanding your search to all the CSU libraries by selecting "Books & Media (All CSU)" in the OneSearch bar.
3. If you can't find what you need in any of the other CSU libraries, you can try your search in WorldCat
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