What does that orange magnifying glass icon mean?
When you see that icon in a database description it means that materials from that database can also be found by searching in OneSearch.
OneSearch is the Pollak Library's discovery tool that allows you to search many of our databases at the same time. While this can be useful, especially for interdisciplinary topics like Women's and Gender studies, Queer Studies, and Liberal Studies, the number of results can also be overwhelming.
Using the databases on this page will help you retrieve a more manageable number of results, but OneSearch is another great tool you can try!
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service offered by the library, which we use to borrow books, chapters, and articles from other libraries on your behalf. This is a great way to get access to books or articles which we do not have in our collection!
These requests can sometimes take up to a few days to process, so submit your request early if you need them for an upcoming assignment. Once your request arrives, you will receive an email notification.
The following links can help you to submit, check on, and access your interlibrary loan requests:
Research Tip: Each of these databases contains thousands of articles, so using a more specific search phrase can help you get a manageable number of results. For example:
If you are having trouble accessing an article in our database that is labeled as full text available, try clearing your browser history and cache.
Below are a list of internationally published Open Access journals that are free to read, download, and share.
Open Access journal articles are available to readers around the world immediately and for free. This provides researchers who are traditionally marginalized from the scholarly community (scholars of color, scholars from countries in the Global South) with access to new research and data that can otherwise only be found through costly subscriptions to publisher content.
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