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California State University, Fullerton
Humanities & Social Sciences
American Studies
Scholarly Articles
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American Studies: Scholarly Articles
This subject guide showcases resources for American Studies research. Multidisciplinary databases also support research in a variety of subject areas.
Primary Sources
Scholarly Articles
Online Archives
University Archives
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Scholarly Databases
Interdisciplinary archive of over 1,000 leading academic journals in the humanities and social sciences.
America: History & Life
Covers United States history and culture from prehistoric times to the present.
Academic Search Premier
General database that covers a wide range of research resources. A good place to start research!
Historical Abstracts
Covers the history of the world from 1450 to the present, excluding the United States and Canada.
Humanities Full Text
Covers broad subject areas in the humanities, including history, art, classics, folklore, religion, and more.
Chicano Database
Most comprehensive bibliographic resources for Mexican-American topics and the only database for Chicano reference.
Women's Studies International
Indexes women's studies and feminist-related journals, newspapers, and books in sociology, history, political science & more.
Ethnic Newswatch
Articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals from the ethnic, minority, and native presses.
Articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals relating to gender roles and their impact over time.
Dissertations & Theses
Dissertations in the humanities and social sciences. Also contains master's theses, including 4,000+ from CSUF students, 1967-present.
Fashion and Race Database
From Artis Solomon, this databases contains essays, news, images, and designer profiles on the history and impact of race in the fashion system and everyday life.
Exploring Race in Society
Scholarly resource that includes essays, articles, reports and context for examining the history of race and ethnicity.
Search by Subject
Databases A-Z List
Choosing the best database always depends on your research question. This link will take you to the full list of library databases available.
Also used for History Research!
Project Muse
Interdisciplinary journal collection providing material mainly from the humanities disciplines.
Research in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities!
ACLS Humanities E-books
e-books in the humanities, including history, literature, religion, art history, women's studies, area studies, political science and philosophy.
Sage Journals Online
Over 500 SAGE publications, with coverage in the disciplines of business, humanities, social sciences, technology and more.
What is Peer-Reviewed?
General Database Search Strategies
character is used as a wildcard:
searches for
effects, effecting, effected
the search results
search results (used for synonyms or related words)
terms from a search
" "
for phrase specific searching
Boolean Operators & More
Chart adapted from HeinOnline Academic database.
Primary Sources
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