Encyclopedia of Global Resources
Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues
A Guide to U.S. Environmental Law
Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health
Journal of Energy, Natural Resources & Environmental Law
UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy
Harvard Environmental Law Review
George Washington Journal of Energy & Environmental Law
Environmental Law Reporter: News & Analysis
ABA Journal - Free legal news magazine with archived issues beginning in 2004.
Justia.com Dictionary Not as extensive nor authoritative as Black's Law Dictionary, offers a legal dictionary that is both searchable by major legal topics.
Law.com Dictionary Not as extensive nor authoritative as Black's Law Dictionary, provides basic definitions to thousands of legal terms and concepts.
Wex Legal Dictionary/Encyclopedia Brief overviews of legal topics, arranged alphabetically and offer introductions to important concepts in these areas of law, along with citations to principal sources of primary law.
Oyez.org Information related to the U.S. Supreme Court and includes some information about past and present justices and the Court's cases, and a collection of audio recordings of oral arguments. All arguments from 1981 to the present are included.
U.S. Supreme Court Cases
Library of Congress - (1754-2003) Browsable by year, justice, and major case topics. Searchable by case title.
FindLaw (1893-present) Browsable by year and U.S. Reports volume number, and searchable by citation, party name, and keyword.
Google Scholar (all) Click "case law" then "select courts" to choose the jurisdiction
Justia (all) Browsable by year and U.S. Reports volume number
Supreme Court (all) Searchable by citation and keyword. Search can be limited by jurisdiction and date.
Federal Circuit Court Cases (Reported) / Federal District Court Cases
Google Scholar (1923- present)
Justia (1901-present) / Justia (1924- present)
Code of Federal Regulations - e-CFR
A listing of freely available federal legislative materials collections can be found under Free Sources of Legislative History on Free and Low Cost Legal Research Guide.
Congress.gov U.S. federal legislative information, including information on Members of Congress, committees, the Congressional Record, and nominations and treaty documents. Create an account and set up alerts to track and monitor legislation.
EPA Laws and Regulations - Covering topics from Acid Rain to Wildfire Smoke.
Govinfo.gov Official, authenticated publications from all three branches of the Federal Government, including select legislative materials. From the United States Government Publishing Office (GPO). 1993 - present.
Govtracks- Environmental Protection Bills - Browse bills in the U.S. Congress related to the subject Environmental Protection.
An Index to In Custodia Legis Legal Research Guides Organizes research guides published on the Law Librarians of Congress blog, In Custodia Legis. Beginners guide to Federal Legislative History
Justia- Free case law, codes, regulations and legal information.
LLSDC Legislative Law Book Compiled by the Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C., contains discussions of legislative process, legislative documents and their publishing. Links to House & Senate Committee Hearings & publications
Legal Information Institute Free access to law- i.e. State Regulations, Executive Orders, Primary Sources.
LII Environmental Law Violations
Popular Name tool Search the United States Code Table of Acts Cited by Popular Name.
Many non-governmental organizations produce extensive amounts of research material; while much of it can be biased, mining the bibliographies for information sources can be very helpful. Below are links to non-governmental organizations working within environmental law or environmental issues.
Environmental Defense Fund Environmental Investigation Agency
Forest Stewardship Council Friends of the Earth
Greenpeace USA National Geographic Society
National Resources Defense Council National Wildlife Federation
Nature Conservancy Rainforest Action Network
Sierra Club Water Education Foundation
Environmental Law blogs from Justia
California Resources from Justia
Guide to Law Online from Library of Congress
California Legislative Information
California Code of Regulations
California Legal Research from Findlaw
Legislative Analyst's Office -analysis of ballot propositions and a searchable database of LAO publications.