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Global Marketing: Home

Marketing 445 Welcome

Welcome to the online research guide for the Intertnational Marketing class.  Click on the tabs above to find the following:


  • Articles can be used to access databases that provide the text of articles from newspapers, magazines, journals, broadcast transcripts, blogs, and more.  

  • Statistics can be used to access databases, web sites, and books that provide hard facts about countries, markets, consumers, currencies, and more.
  • Country Profiles can be used to access databases, web sites, and books that provide information about a country's culture, history, economy, and society.
  • Dictionaries & Encyclopedias provides information about sources, both online and in print, that can help you to find out the definitions of terms used in the assignment.

  • APA provides information about how to format your assignment according to APA Style.

Please remember, if you have any questions about using this guide or the library's resources, just click on the widget to the right and send me an IM or an email.

Good luck with your research.

-Rob Sage

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Robert Sage