These are 20 minute presentations with 10 minute practice on useful resources.
Bring your laptops.
(Note - Students can checkout laptops and other devices from the Center for Equitable Digital Access and the Student Genius Center)
For questions, contact Robert Tomaszewski (STEM Librarian):
Scopus is a multi-disciplinary database from Elsevier. It covers journal articles, conference proceedings, and books from the Sciences, Social Science, and Arts & Humanities. This session will show students how to conduct and refine a search in Scopus. The workshop will let students register with Scopus, search for articles, and create a search alert for a research topic.
Background help
Date: March 23, 2023
Time: 12:00-12:30pm
Place: PLN 420
ChemSketch is a free software by ACD labs for academic use with Windows operating systems. t is used for drawing molecules, reactions, schematic diagrams, and designing other chemical and biochemical-related reports. The drawn molecules can be displayed in two and three dimensions, to understand the structure of chemical bonds and the nature of the functional groups. MarvinSketch is a free software by ChemAxon Ltd for Windows and Mac-operated systems with similar capabilities as ChemSketch. This workshop will show students how to download one software and get started on using it.
Background help
ChemSketch (Windows only)
MarvinSketch (Windows and Mac)
Date: April 6, 2023
Time: 12:00-12:30pm
Place: PLN 420
EndNote Online (also called EndNote Web or EndNote Basic) is a web-based reference manager tool from Clarivate Analytics that helps students to collect and manage references from online resources as well as format citations and create bibliographies. This workshop will show students how to create an EndNote Online account and use the Cite-While-You-Write addon from EndNote into Word to create a bibliography.
Background help
Date: April 13, 2023
Time: 12:00-12:30pm
Place: PLN 420
Engineering Village (EiVillage) is a platform from Elsevier that provides access to different bibliographic databases. CSUF has access to Compendex (Computerized Engineering Index), GEOBASE (Geographical, Earth, and Ecological Science), and GeoRef (Geosciences, including Geology). These resources provide subject-specific information from journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, dissertations, standards, books, patents, and technical reports. In this session, students will register and learn to use the resource to find information for their class projects and research.
Background help
Date: April 20, 2023
Time: 12:00-12:30pm
Place: PLN 420