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Pollak Library

Chemistry 306A: Welcome

An online guide for CHEM 306A


Welcome to CHEM 306A Library Instruction


This guide directs you to scholarly literature resources. For questions, contact your STEM Librarian on the right. Check the videos tab for coverage on the following topics.


(1) Library Exploration: Resources, Services, and Hands-On Assignment

  • Discover library resources, services, and engage in practical assignments.

(2) Effective Database Searches: Mastering Search Techniques

  • Learn efficient database searches with advanced techniques.

(3) SciFinder-n Essentials: Easy Registration Process

  • Unlock SciFinder-n with a simple registration process.

(4) Scientific Search Mastery: Using SciFinder-n

  • Refine scientific searches and master SciFinder-n for research insights.

(5) Scopus Basics: Navigating Academic Literature

  • Explore Scopus for literature searches.

(6) Searching for Spectra: IR Spectra and GC Chromatograms

  • Search for IR spectra and GC chromatograms.

(7) Lab Safety Essentials: Using PubChem and Safety Data Sheets

  • Learn laboratory safety using PubChem and Safety Data Sheets.

                                                       Laboratory Rat

STEM Librarian

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*Robert Tomaszewski
Pollak Library, PLN-125