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Engineering & Computer Science: White Papers

Research guide for engineering & computer science

What is a white paper?

A white paper is an informative report or guide that addresses a specific issue, problem, or topic. White papers are not peer-reviewed. They serve a specific audience, offering a focused discussion on a particular topic. They are typically written by experts or organizations with in-depth knowledge or experience in a particular field. White papers aim to provide comprehensive information, analysis, and insights to help readers understand a complex subject and make informed decisions.

The term “white paper” is a holdover from a time when government documents bound in white were made for public release, and so they were literally white papers.

In a business context, white papers are commonly used as marketing tools to showcase thought leadership, expertise, and innovative solutions related to a company's products or services.

Characteristics of a white paper

White papers are characterized by:

  1. In-Depth Analysis: Thorough exploration of a specific issue or solution.

  2. Authoritative Tone: Written with expertise and authority.

  3. Research-Based: Grounded in research, using data and evidence.

  4. Problem-Solution Structure: Often follows a problem-solution framework.

  5. Targeted Audience: Tailored for a specific professional audience.

  6. Clarity and Conciseness: Clear and concise communication of complex information.

  7. Persuasive Element: Advocates for a particular viewpoint or solution.

  8. Non-Peer Reviewed: Typically not externally peer-reviewed.

  9. Professional Design: Well-designed for readability and a polished appearance.

  10. Actionable Recommendations: Concludes with practical steps or recommendations.

Searching for a white paper

To find a white paper:

  • Search Engines: Use Google or Bing with keywords and "white paper."

  • Library Databases: Use academic databases to refine by document type.

  • Organizational Websites: Visit relevant companies, government, and educational websites.

  • Industry Forums: Explore topic-specific forums and associations.

  • White Paper Directories: Explore specialized directories (e.g., SlideShare and Scribd).

  • Social Media: Utilize LinkedIn or Twitter for shared content.

  • Subscription Services: Consider services offering white paper access.