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Multicultural Marketing: APA

APA Style

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APA Style Manual

APA Manual cover Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Copies are available at the Main Campus Library Reference Desk and Irvine Center Library.

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APA Citation Style

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Keep Calm and Use APA style

Additional Resources

Helpful Resources:

CSUF APA Style Guide: Downloadable two-page overview of common citation needs.

Purdue OWL: Easy-to-use citation resource. Provides rules and examples.

Official FAQs of APA: Helps clarify confusing questions on a  variety of topics.

APA Official Website: Website of the American Psychological Association style manual.

In-Text Citations:

Purdue OWL APA In-Text Basics: Covers basics of in-text citation rules and more.

Reference List/Bibliography:

Purdue OWL APA Reference List Basics: Covers basics of reference list rules and more.

Additional Citation Examples:

Northern Michigan University APA Reference Style Guide: Contains a lot of useful examples.



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