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Pollak Library

Education: Databases/Articles

A portal to resources for research in education. This guide is primarily intended for graduate students in the College of Education.


Here are some databases that will help you find research literature in Education. They are listed in order of "usefulness." Some topics, such as mathematics and science education, or the intersection of education and technology may be better researched using databases that index the scholarship of that content area. If you'd like a complete list of all databases, click Find Articles & Databases then select your content area.

ERIC, Academic Search Premier, and Education Full Text are the best databases to use when beginning your search as they are indexes. This means that the search engine in the databases matches your keywords to words in the article's title, abstract, or subject headings, ensuring that the article is all about your topic and doesn't just mention it in passing.

search education articles



Searching for articles using the databases below will give you more control over the results.

Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to search through thousands of journals, many of which the Pollak library owns. You can also find patents and legal documents with Scholar

If you are off-campus click on this link to use the library enhanced version of Scholar.

Google Scholar Search

How do I find a dissertation?

This page describes how to find a dissertation. A dissertation is a lengthy work written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university.

1.To identify dissertations, use Dissertations Abstracts Online.

Dissertation Abstracts is a source of information about dissertations, including summaries, but does not provide access to the full text of the dissertation itself.

2. To obtain the full text of a dissertation, try one of these options:

Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest)
This database has 900,000 digitized dissertations in Education, Art, Communications, Humanities, Literature, Linguistics and Social Sciences. Includes the theses of Fullerton graduate students who have published through UMI Dissertation Publishing (3800+ CSUF theses are currently available full text PDF, 1967-present).

ABI/INFORM Complete (Business dissertations only)
If title is known, search by title.
You can also search by keywords or author. To limit results to dissertations: on main search screen click on 'More Search Options' (at bottom of screen). Next, in 'Publication Type' dropdown box, select 'Dissertations'.

Request the dissertation using interlibrary loan (ILL). Some dissertations have been purchased by libraries and are available for loan, but most dissertations are not. It is best not to assume you will be able to get a dissertation using ILL.

Purchase the dissertation using Dissertation Express, or order by phone at 1-800-521-3042. The cost of a dissertation starts at $34.