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Pollak Library

Women's and Gender Studies

Subject guide for Women and Gender Studies

Women's and Gender Studies Zines

Zines have been an important part of women's and gender studies spaces since they began appearing in the early 1990s. Initially produced within the punk and riot grrrl music scenes in Portland Oregon, they became part of an international movement that gives voice to those often excluded from mainstream discussions.  

The aesthetic of zines are "anti-corporate" and "anti-professional" (Peipmeier, 2009; 2).  They utilize a mixed-media and do-it-yourself (DIY) approach that makes the format accessible to people of any skill level. Some techniques used include collages, hand-written text, and original art. Their wider dissemination in the early 1990s came from technological advances like personal computers and photocopiers which allowed for cheap ways to create many copies for distribution which lowered the barriers to access.  

Zines are a creative and equitable way to share research, original ideas, and opinions on any topic, but have long held a significant place in areas related to gender, sexuality, queer theory, and LBBTQIA+ identity. Since these materials are not published within the structures of academia or for-profit publishing, it is easier for people with marginalized identities to participate. 

More history about zines and their roles in feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements can be found in the sources below. 

Zine Collections

Need some inspiration or more research? Check out the zine collections linked below!