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Pollak Library

Economics: Articles

Subject guide for Economics

Interlibrary Loan

If you find an article that is not in full text or you need the graphical information not included in the full text of the article, look for this graphic Find it @ Pollak Library.   Clicking the link will automatically search the Pollak Library Journal Title List,  Where you can find out if the library has an online version of the article in another database, if the library owns a print copy of the article or if the library does not carry that article.

Finding an article that we do not own

Step 1: If the article appears in OneSearch, Sign in to the library, then click on Get A Digital Copy. You should receive the article within 24 hours.

Step 2:  If the article does not appear in OneSearch, you can fill in an Interlibrary loan request form to have the article sent to you electronically from another institution. 

Economics Articles

Where to find useful articles for your economics research projects.

If you find an article that is not in full text or you need the graphical information not included in the full text of the article, look for this graphic Find it @ Pollak Library.   Clicking the link will automatically search the Pollak Library Journal Title List,  Where you can find out if the library has an online version of the article in another database, if the library owns a print copy of the article or if the library does not carry that article.

Finding an article that we do not own

Step 1: If you need it in a hurry, check to see if it is held by another library in the area.  Use Worldcat to determine if a library in the area has it. If it is close, you can drive to that library to photocopy it.

Step 2:  If you have time, you can fill in an Interlibrary loan request form to have the article sent to you electronically from another institution. 


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Robert Sage