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Pollak Library

Public Domain Media & Content: Getting Help

Book a Consultation or Instruction Session

Consultations with Colleen


Are you a student who needs help finding and working with public domain and Creative Commons-licensed materials for your class assignments or projects? 

Faculty & Staff

Are you a colleague who needs help incorporating public domain and Creative Commons-licensed materials into your research and scholarship?

Class Instruction

Are you a CSUF professor who wants to help your students learn how to find and use digital media that does not infringe upon copyright even after they graduate and are no longer covered by fair use for student work? Framing a student assignment around that knowledge is an excellent opportunity to strengthen their digital literacy skills, whether they are undergraduates or graduate students. I can help you develop your assignment, and can provide that instruction to your classes (online, in-person, synchronous, asynchronous, or blended).

  • I am happy to schedule a consultation with you to discuss your course assignment and develop our instruction plan.
  • If you already have an assignment in mind, you can request a Library Instruction Session for me to work with your class. These assignments are more successful though after an initial consultation.

Book Your Consultation

  • Zoom Consultations: Use my Calendly link to find an available date and time that works for you.
  • Email Consultations: Please use the blue "Email Me" button under my profile photo to contact me.
  • In-Person Consultations: Please use the blue "Email Me" button under my profile photo to contact me.

Related Guides

Additional Pollak Library Guides to help you learn more about related topics.