1. Davao: presenter at the 2024 Philippine Library Association conference. I co-presented a paper on Best Practices of libraries in the Philippines and around the world with Joemar Sajona (Philippine Normal University, L.) and Ven Basco (University of Central Florida, R.) In between conference sessions, Ven and I visited and assessed the Davao Public Library (we are co-chairs of the ALA International Relations Asia & Oceania Subcommittee).
2. Manila: Library visits. As part of ongoing library visits to document upgrades or innovations, I visited additional libraries in Manila.
Library follow-up visits: here, I made follow-up visits to assess changes and innovations occurring in these libraries: 1. Jakarta Provincial public library (L.) and 2. Singapore (Tampines Regional) public library (R.)
1.Vietnam National University, Hanoi: Library lecture. I presented to the Library & Information Science Department of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (University of Social Sciences and Humanities). My presentation was to LIS faculty and students, on innovative library practices from around the world. My host was Dr. Do Van Hung (below, right), Dean of the Faculty of Library & Information Science.
2. U.S. Embassy, Hanoi: conducting English learning workshop. This workshop was actually a fun event for college-age students: learning English by playing American TV Game Shows. I introduced them to the "$100,000 Pyramid", "Match Game", and "Pictionary", and in each game, they learned new vocabulary. Below is the advertisement the Embassy posted on its Instagram page and Facebook page. Also below are the two Embassy "American Center" staff, Ms. Trang Pham and Ms. Trang To.
3. Foreign Trade University, Hanoi. CSUF has an exchange partnership with Foreign Trade University (FTU) in Hanoi. Under the direction of CSUF VP Debra Leahy, International Education and Engagement, I met with FTU International Office staff and the Dean of the Faculty of Business to discuss ideas for increasing exchanges both directions. I also met with FTU Library leaders to discuss ideas of library exchange/collaboration.
4. Hanoi elementary school: donation delivery of children's books. Over 80 children's books--as part of the annual CSUF Libary-VSA (Vietnamese Students Association) donation project--were delivered to the Nguyen Binh Khiem elementary school. The project, started in 2009, involves VSA raising funds for children's books (in English) for elementary schools in Vietnam. Below is the donation event, with "story time" reading.
1. HCMC elementary school: donation delivery of children's books. In addition to the children's books to Hanoi, another 80+ books were brought for the HCMC (Saigon) area. In partnership with the HCMC Public Library Children's Library--and Children's Librarian Van Anh Nugyen--a local school was selected for the books. Below are photos of "story time" with some of the students. Vietnam begins teaching English at Grade 1, but school libraries do not always have enjoyable beginning-English storybooks. Thus the excitement of the students to receive these books!
2. US CONSULATE: English learning workshop (again!) The US Consulate staff asked for the same presentation as the US Embassy in Hanoi: the "Learning English through TV shows" event. So I offered it again for a whole new audience (again, young college-age students, eager to improve their English). The event was advertised on the Consulate Facebook page. Below is the large backdrop screen I conducted the games on. Also below is me adding CSUF's pennant to the "American Center" (EducationUSA advising center) bulleting board.