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Guide to Zine Making

Everything you need to know to get started on your own zine project.

Writing Science Fiction

Search in OneSearch and WorldCat to find books on the art, craft, and techniques of writing science fiction. The list below offers a few examples to begin.
Zen in the Art of Writing, by Ray Bradbury


Image result for across the wounded galaxies interviews imageAcross the Wounded Galaxies:
Interviews with Contemporary American Science Fiction Writers, Ed. by Larry McCaffery
Steering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navi

Ursula K. Le Guin

Why-I-Write-ExLib-by-George-OrwellWhy I Write by George Orwell

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in OneSearch and/or WorldCat

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Web Sources

The Web also offers a wide range of sources on creative writing and science fiction.
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