The Roy V. Boswell Collection for the History of Cartography
Located in Special Collections at Pollak Library
The Boswell Collection consists of about 1,700 maps that represent the entire range of map production in the Western world from the earliest available up to 1901 (defining "early" by this terminal date). It is a diverse assemblage with all kinds of physical characteristics, subjects, and purposes. View catalog records for individual items in the Boswell Collection.
Resources include an Electronic Map Library, Wall Map Closet, Flight Movies, Mapping Resources, and more.
On this site, you will find voting, registration and geographic datasets for the State of California for statewide elections beginning in 1992.
The Cal-Atlas site facilitates the coordinated and sustainable development, maintenance, licensing and sharing of geospatial data and web map services by California government agencies, partners and stakeholders.
The soil data mart! Information on national and local soil. Also see the Web Soil Survey.
Free USGS topo maps. Print free USGS topo PDFs. Export topographic maps to Google Earth. Convert coordinates between Lat/Long and UTM, and translate between NAD27 and WGS84 datums
USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest GIS Clearinghouse
Here you will find geospatial data for the National Forests in California, along with region-wide, province-wide, and state-wide datasets available for download. Most forest-wide data was captured from 1:24,000 scale maps.
This clearinghouse contains metadata, file owner-maintainer information, and in some cases ESRI-based shape files for the basic mapping layers in the Sacramento region.
"Access USGS--San Francisco Bay & Delta" was created to help disseminate this information via the World Wide Web. Here you will find examples of USGS publications, posters, maps, and other information on the San Francisco Bay & Delta region from many disciplines.
SANDAG offers Geographic Information System data, Interactive Mapping, web mapping services, and GIS Animations & Visualizations.
Information, maps, and data about the Mojave Desert ecosystem.
Digitized historical maps from prehistory until early 20th century
Links to digitized maps from prehistory to Iraq War.
Specializes in digitized maps of 18th and 19th century United States.