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Write Create Make: Fiction


"This mysterious thing we call Inspiration isn’t that easy to pinpoint. But it’s the strange and wonderful thing about writing... – you can never predict where or when or even why something moves you to write... That’s what I mean when I said... (writing) comes in many guises. A (story) may be inspired by something that happened 20 years ago but until I’ve written it, I may not have realized that at the time I was greatly moved. I think you have to trust that the eye and mind are constantly recording, and be patient enough for them to reveal what they have observed." ~ from Conversations with Elizabeth Bishop

Writing Science Fiction

You can use library catalogs such as OneSearch and WorldCat to find books on the art, craft, and techniques of writing science fiction. This list offers a few examples to begin.
Zen in the Art of Writing, by Ray Bradbury


Image result for across the wounded galaxies interviews imageAcross the Wounded Galaxies:
Interviews with Contemporary American Science Fiction Writers, Ed. by Larry McCaffery
Steering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navi

Ursula K. Le Guin

Why-I-Write-ExLib-by-George-OrwellWhy I Write by George Orwell

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Creative Writing

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Inspirations: Some Classic and Contemporary Books on Writing 

Brenda Ueland

William Zinsser

Eudora Welty

Anne Lamott

Mary Oliver

Tina Welling

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