Which website would you trust?
http://bit.ly/1g6rPk4 http://bit.ly/9WbEfQ
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Wikipedia American Fact Finder Youtube
Yahoo Answers Library Answers PollakLibrary Youtube
Ask yourself the following questions when evaluating websites:
The CRAAP Criteria:
12 Dec 2016 in Culture, Design, Ethics, Journalism, Media, Rhetoric
Chart credited to Vanessa Otero
List of news sources ranked from left (liberal) to right (conservative) by reliability.
Questionable: Natural News, Addicting Info, Occupy Democrats, U.S. Uncut, Huffington Post, Infowars, DailyCaller, Fox News, Red State, Blaze.
Reliable: AP, Reuters, ABC news, NBC news, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NPR, BBC, The Hill, The Economist, The Guardian, The Atlantic.