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Project Rebound: MLA Citation Style

This is a guide for students, staff, and faculty who are part of Project Rebound.

MLA Style

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MLA Handbook

MLA Handbook coverHandbook of the Modern Language Association, 8th edition.

Copies are available at the Main Campus Library Reference Desk and Irvine Center Library.

What's New in the 8th

Here is an official list of changes in the new edition.

Additional Resources

Helpful Resources:

CSUF MLA Style Guide, 7th Edition: Downloadable two-page overview of common citation needs.

Purdue OWL: Easy-to-use citation resource. Provides rules and examples.

MLA Style Center Ask the MLA: Provides answers to FAQs but also lets you ask your own!

In-Text Citations:

Purdue OWL In-Text Basics: Covers basics of in-text citation rules and more.

Works Cited Page/Bibliography:

Purdue OWL MLA Works Cited Page Basics: Covers basics of reference list rules and more.

Additional Citation Examples:

University of West Florida Style Guide: Provides additional example citations for the 8th edition.


MLA Format Video

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