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Pollak Library

READ 201: Search Databases

This online guide and tutorial was created for the students enrolled in undergraduate READ courses.



Search for scholarly and popular articles in general databases as well as those for your major. For a full list of subject databases by major click here

For this exercise, start with  Academic Search Premier database to search for a scholarly article on your topic. 

Use the "Search Databases" tab to upload the APA citation for your article.
Below are a few recommended databases to try. 


Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to search through thousands of journals, many of which the Pollak library owns. You can also find patents and legal documents with Scholar

If you are off-campus click on this link to use the library enhanced version of Scholar.

Google Scholar Search

Questions to Ask - Evaluating Research Sources


Who created (author/s) this info? What kind of credentials does the author have, a PhD, Masters degree?  

What knowledge or skills does the author have in the area? Is the author an expert in the field?

Is there an “About” tab on the website?


Is the info biased? Are balance perspectives presented?

How does sponsorship impact the perspective of the info?


Is the info accurate?

Does the info come from a school, university, business, company site, or government institution? 

Google Domain Search