This page holds recommended and selected journals for EDSC 539.
Multicultural Perspectives
Multicultural Education
International Journal of Multicultural Education
Journal for Multicultural Education
Equity and Excellence in Education
Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME)
Journal of Mathematical Behavior
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (Grades 5-9)
Mathematics Teacher (Grades 8-14)
Mathematics Teacher Educator
Reading Teacher
Voices from the Middle(limited access)
English Journal
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
Reading Research Quarterly
L2 Journal
American Secondary Education
Democracy and Education
Gender and Education
NASSP Bulletin
Urban Education
Teaching and Teacher Education
Journal of Art and Design Education
Music Educators Journal
Multilingual Education
American Biology Teacher
The Science Teacher
Journal of Science Teacher Education
Science Scope
Social Education
Middle Level Learning
The Social Studies
Teaching History
International Journal of STEM Education
Journal of Technology Education
Journal of Innovative Technology and Education
Technology and Engineering Teacher