Guidelines for implementing the content standards adopted by the California State Board of Education that are developed by the Instructional Quality Commission.
Mathematics Framework Chapters- The State Board of Education adopted the Mathematics Framework on November 6, 2013.
2013 Revision of the Mathematics Framework for CA Public Schools - The California State Board of Education adopted the Mathematics Framework on November 6, 2013. This version of theMathematics Framework will remain posted while it is edited for publication, anticipated late 2014.
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, Adopted August 2010 and Modified January 2013
Timeline for Revision of the Mathematics Framework In January 2012, the State Board of Education approved the timeline for the revision of the Mathematics Framework.
List of CA State Board Adopted Programs for Mathematics K-8 - Programs adopted by State Board of Education on January 15, 2014. Information is organized by the three program types: Basic Grade-Level, Algebra 1, and Mathematics 1.
Guidelines for implementing the content standards adopted by the California State Board of Education that are developed by the Instructional Quality Commission.
SBE-Adopted ELA/ELD Framework Chapters - The State of Education adopted the English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework at their July 9, 2014, meeting. This is the final, edited digital version of the ELA/ELD Framework, published July 2015.
2014 Revision of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework (ELA/ELD Framework) - The 2014 ELA/ELD Framework has been developed to support and incorporate the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy) and the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards). The California State Board of Education adopted the ELA/ELD Framework on July 9, 2014. This version of the ELA/ELD Framework will remain posted while it is edited for publication.
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Adopted August 2010
Timeline for Revision of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework - In May 2012, the State Board of Education approved the timeline for the revision of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework.
2016 Revision of the Science Framework - SB300 (Chapter 480, Statutes of 2013) calls for the revision of the Science Framework to align with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Next Generation Science Standards - Latest information on the Conceptual Framework and implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards.
Timeline for Revision of the Science Framework - The State Board of Education (SBE) approved the Schedule of Significant Events for the 2016 Revision of the Science Framework at their January 2014 meeting.
Science Framework Development Process (PDF) - This chart lists the major steps in the development of the Science Framework.