A smart way to search Google is to use domain searching. For instance, to limit your results to resources from educational institutions, such as universities, use Site:.edu followed by your keywords.
site:.gov - government sites
site:.edu - academic sites
site:.org - organizations
site:latimes.com - Los Angeles Times articles
site:nytimes.com - New York Times articles
site: www.cde.ca.gov - searches California Dept. of Education
site: www.ed.gov - searches U.S. Dept. of Education
AUTHORITY:Who created (author/s) this info and why? Is there an “About” tab?What knowledge or skills do they have in the area?
OBJECTIVITY:Is the info biased? Are balance perspectives presented?
How does sponsorship impact the perspective of the info?
REALIABLITY:Is the info accurate?Does the info come from a school, university, business, company site, or government institution?
TIMELINESS:Is there a created date or copyright year?How current are the sources or links?
RELEVANCE:Is this info helpful to your project?