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TESOL: Journals

Finding Journals

covers of tesol journalsUsing databases, you can get the full-text of many TESOL-related journals instantly, on your screen!   But sometimes the full-text isn't available...or sometimes an accompanying photo isn't shown...or sometimes you want an old journal that isn't in the databases.  So in those cases, you can consult our hardcopy print subscriptions, shelved in the basement north of the library.  Below is a list of many of the well-known TESOL-related journals the library has print copies of.  To find the exact shelf location, type the title of the journal in the library's OneSearch catalog.

American Speech
Applied Linguistics
Bilingual research journal
Canadian Modern Language Review
Calico Journal 
California English: California Assoc. of Teachers of English
CEA Forum: College English Association
College English
ELT Journal: English Language Teaching Journal
English for Specific Purposes
English Education: National Council of Teachers of English
English Journal: National Council of Teachers of English
English Teaching Forum 
English World-Wide
ESL Magazine
Foreign language annals
General Linguistics
IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics
The Journal: Bilingual Education Teacher Preparation Program
Journal of Linguistics
Journal of psycholinguistic research
Journal of second language writing
Language in Society
Language Learning
Language Testing
Linguistic Inquiry
Modern Language Journal
NABE Journal: Nat'l. Assoc. for Bilingual Education Journal
Oceanic Linguistics
RELC Journal: Regional English Language Centre Journal
Research in the Teaching of English
Studies in second language acquisition
TESOL Journal
TESOL Matters 
TESOL Quarterly

Looking for a specific journal or magazine not listed above?   In OneSearch Advanced, click on the Journals tab, at the top, and type in your journal.  This will tell you if we have the journal available in print (in the basement north)...or...if we have it available electronically (via a database).  For example, if you were looking for the journal World Englishes, the Journals tab would tell you we have it in one of our databases (Wiley Online).

TESOL Librarian

Profile Photo
John Hickok