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Creative Commons: Picking a CC License

Learn more about Creative Commons, and how to use it to borrow or license content.

Creative Commons Licenses Explained

This tutorial explains the six different Creative Commons (CC) licenses, and how to choose the right one to apply to your work.

The Six Types of Creative Commons Licenses

There are six types of licenses available from Creative Commons, each with different terms of use. The licenses are hierarchical, building off the terms specified in the most basic CC BY license. The graphic below illustrates the license hierarchy, beginning with the least restrictive, and ending with the most restrictive.

Visit the Creative Commons website to learn more about each type of license, review examples of works using each type of license, and obtain specific icon and verbiage to use a particular license.

Listing Creative Commons licenses in the order of least to most restrictive terms of use.

Choosing the Right Creative Commons License

The Creative Commons website has a web wizard tool that helps you select the right type of Creative Commons license to apply to your work, based upon your preferred terms of use for that work. The wizard will display and link to the license that is specific to your choices in the wizard form, and will generate the HTML content if you want to embed that license in a website, blog, LibGuide, etc.

Go Use the Creative Commons License Wizard Tool

The Creative Commons web wizard to choose the right license type for your work.