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Pollak Library

Instructional Design and Technology (MSIDT): Managing Your Search

Subject guide for the Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology

Managing Your Search

By now, you've got a good set of keywords, and you're ready to search! Before you start - think about how you will manage your search and your citations.

Remember that research is a process and is unlikely to be completed in one sitting.

Creating and using a simple Word document to track which databases you've searched with which keywords will be a lifesaver. 

Use a citation manager to collect and annotate your citations.

Deciding on and setting up a citation manager now will help you keep all of the articles you've found close at hand and neatly organized. Get a free EndNote Web account through Pollak Library, or download and try Zotero, or another citation manager of your choice.

See how EndNote Web can help you capture references as you search.

Benefits of using citation managers

Manage Your Citations with EndNote

EndNote LogoEndNote Web is a web-based Bibliographic Management Software that enables you to collect and manage references to books, articles, and many other types of materials. Since it is web based, all CSUF students/faculty/staff can access EndNote on-campus, or off-campus through the campus portal.

Get a free account now!


EndNote web can help you:

  • Import references from library databases.
  • Organize references in folders for access and use at any time
  • Create formatted reference lists in a variety of publishing styles, including APA and MLA.

Please see the Library's EndNoteWeb Guide for more information on how to use this tool.

You can also download the desktop version for free from Cal State Fullerton IT.

Using EndNote Web to Capture References

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