Handbook of the Modern Language Association (MLA), 9th edition.
Copies are available at the Main Campus Library Research Center and for limited checkout at Circulation.
This overview of MLA gives basic citation format examples and refers to additional resources on full MLA formatting. This is based on the latest and most current edition of the MLA Style Guide.
In-Text Citations:
Purdue OWL In-Text Basics: Covers basics of in-text citation rules and more.
Works Cited Page/Bibliography:
Purdue OWL MLA Works Cited Page Basics: Covers basics of reference list rules and more.
Additional Citation Examples:
University of West Florida Style Guide: Provides additional example citations for the 8th edition.
Last Name Author(s), First Name. Title of Work. Contributors, Production Company, Year. Database or Streaming Platform, hyperlink.
Example: Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. directed by Alex Segal. , produced by David Susskind, Columbia Broadcasting System, and Talent Associates. , Music Video Distributors, 1967. Alexander Street, https://video.alexanderstreet.com/watch/the-crucible.
"Title." Youtube, uploaded by ______, upload date, hyperlink.
Example: "2016 MLA-Prize Winning Publication." Youtube, uploaded by ModernLanguageAssoc, 18 Jan. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKROuhFF9dU
A DOI is a Digital Object Identifier. It is a unique set of letters and numbers for a specific article. The DOI identifies the article and can provide information to access on the Internet.
If the DOI is available, it is required as part of the citation for a print or electronic articles. If the DOI is not available and a researcher has cited a journal article that has been retrieved electronically, the researcher must add the url of the journal's homepage to the citation.
Creator’s Last Name, First Name. Image Title. Year Created. Website Name, Numbers (if applicable), URL. |
Creator’s Last Name, First Name. “Image Title.” Website Name, Day Month Year Published, URL. |