OneSearch is a source for video recordings. These recordings can be available in physical or online format. Online videos require you to log-on using the your CSUF user name and password.
To find physical copies select "DVDs" or "Videocassettes" under "Resource Type" on the left side of OneSearch.
To find videos online select "Video" under "Resource Type" on the left side of OneSearch.
Now part of DANCE ONLINE. A database containing over 500 hours of dance productions and documentaries by the most influential performers and companies of the 20th century, includes ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, and improvisational dance.
Kanopy is a platform for streaming video that currently features over 140 videos on a broad range of subjects. The platform features transcripts, embed links, and features for sharing playlists.
Off campus users:
1. Click on the Kanopy link above. 2. Click on "Visit the Fullerton Collection" 3. Click on "Login to Fullerton" 4. Enter your portal credentials.