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Criminal Justice: Home

Subject guide for Criminal Justice

New Database HeinOnline Academic

To find HeinOnline Academic- Start on the library's main page, 

Click on the Databases icon at the top left. 

Then click on H on the right side of the screen. 

Scroll down to HeinOnline Academic.

Welcome Criminal Justice Students

This guide will show you how to locate :Department of Justice logo with gavel in foreground

  • Books, both print and ebook
  • Background Information
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
  • News Articles
  • Locate Quality Statistics
  • Cite Your Sources
  • Find Criminal Justice Research on the Internet                                                                        

How to get additional research assistance:

  • Come to the Reference Desk, 1st floor North                                    
  • Call the Reference Desk: 657 278 3284
  • IM  or use the 24/7 Chat Reference, click on Get Live Help
  • Make a Research Assistance Appointment
    We don't seem to be able to check crime, so why not legalize it and then tax it out of business? - Will Rogers

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Joy Sage
Joy Sage
(657) 278-2151