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Pollak Library

Human Services: HUSR 310

Subject Guide for Human Services

Journal Articles

Complete List of HUSR Databases

To access a complete list of databases recommended for HUSR research, please use the "Human Services Databases" link from the main Human Services guide.

This link from the Pollak Library Web site offers another way to access a list of databases recommended for HUSR research.

Google Scholar Via the Pollak Library

Use Google Scholar to search through thousands of journals, many of which the Pollak Library owns.  You can also find patents and legal documents with Google Scholar.

By connecting Google Scholar to the Pollak Library, you have access to a special "Pollak Library Find It!" link in order to determine if a particular item of interest is available full-text online, in print, or through interlibrary loan.

If you need assistance with connecting to Google Scholar from off campus, the information on this page offers one way to configure Google Scholar so that it connects with resources available through the Pollak Library.

Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Journals

Do you need to confirm if your scholarly article comes from a peer-reviewed (refereed) journal?
The database below offers one way to check if the journal is peer reviewed.  Please feel free to search it by entering the name of the journal.  Once you have found your journal title, please check to see if the record for the journal has a row with the "Refereed" label.  If the journal is peer reviewed, you will see both this label and a "Yes" to the right of that label.

Another way to verify if a journal is peer reviewed, or refereed, is to do a Web search for the home page of the journal and check for information on the journal's Web site that explains the review process for author submissions.


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Use OneSearch to find books, ebooks and media in the Pollak Library collection as well as other CSU libraries. You can also use OneSearch to access My Library Card to view the status of your library account.