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Pollak Library

AI for Library Liaisons (Library Resources)

This guide is designed to provide instruction and liaison librarians with the resources needed to help students and faculty navigate the use of generative AI

Getting Started

Discussing AI on campus can feel like a divisive issue. There are a range of perspectives that faculty hold when it comes to incorporating AI so it can be difficult to gauge how and when to broach the subject in our outreach. 

Below are some suggested questions that can help you start conversations with faculty about their interest in or use of AI in their courses. 

Text generated by Gemini and adapted by Michaela Bettez

Understanding Faculty Needs and Concerns

  • How do you see AI impacting your field and your teaching? What are your current thoughts or concerns? 
  • Are there specific tasks or processes in your research or teaching where you think AI could potentially be helpful? What about where you see potential challenges? 
  • How are your students currently engaging with AI, and what are your observations?
  • Have you encountered any specific issues related to AI, such as plagiarism, misinformation, or bias, in your coursework? 
  • Do you need assistance with evaluating and selecting appropriate AI tools for your specific teaching and research needs?

Information Literacy Instruction Planning

  • ​​​​​​What is your course AI policy?
  • Can you explain any circumstances where AI use is acceptable or prohibited in your course?
  • How can I reinforce your AI policy or course discussions throughout this library session? 
  • Do the assignments students are working on allow for AI-use at any point in the process?
  • Would you like me to incorporate information generated by AI in my discussions of source evaluation or ethical information use?
  • What data literacy skills are becoming increasingly important due to the use of AI in research in your discipline? Would you like me to incorporate any of those skills in this session?