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Pollak Library

Study Abroad Library Information: ASIA: VN-PH-TH


Foreign Trade University (FTU): Older outside buildings, but newer facilities inside. 
John at FTU university in Hanoi, Vietnam John with library staff at FTU, Hanoi Vietnam




1. Visiting Danang University of Economics Library.  Nearby: the university's "Clubfest" event, at the English Club's booth.
John at Danang University of Economics library John at Danang University of Economics



The Ho Chi Minh City public library ("General Sciences Library").  Although this is a public library, not a university library, it is one of the biggest and most used libraries in HCMC.  The library was originally built in 1972 as the National Library in the South.

John at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam public lilbrary


De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde (CSB).  CSB, part of the De La Salle private university network.  Left: outside the CSB main entrance.  Right: with Ms. Anna Sajona, CSB Librarian.

John at College of Saint Benilde, Philippines  John with Philippine librarian in front of library


University of Santo Tomas (UST).  UST is the oldest western-established university in Asia, founded by the Spanish in 1611.    Left: in front of the main campus building.  Right: visiting with Library faculty member Pri-Ann Tinipunan.

John in front of University of Santo Tomas John with library professor at University of Santo Tomas


1. ACADEMIC: Rangsit University Library.  Rangsit University, a private university in north Bangkok, is doing amazing things at their library.  They were the recipient of the 2020 IFLA Green Library Award for their multi-approach efforts at conservation and green sustainability.  Left: outside the library entrance.  Right: the library's IFLA award, and a display of recycled plastics into daily items (cupholder, purse, etc.)

John at Rangsit University Library    Green friendly library in Thailand


Left: the library's very popular self-checkout machine.  Right: sharing a gift with Library director Dr. Malivan Praditteera.  She and her staff are the Thailand academic Library participants in the ALA ASEAN Sister Library grant project.

Thai library self-checkout machine  John with library director of Rangsit University library

2. ACADEMIC: Chulalongkorn University Library.  Chulalongkorn is one of Thailand's top universities, and their library is modernized with high-tech equipment, collaborative learning spaces, robust e-resources, and more.  Left: outside library entrance  Right: the combined Reference and Circulation Desks

Exterior of Chulalongkorn University Library, Thailand  Reference Desk of Chulalongkorn University Library, Thailand

Left: comparison of the Chulalongkorn e-library card with QR code and CSUF's Titan card.  Right: meeting with Ms. Sukalin Wanakasemsan, Director of the Division of Global Academic Affairs, Chulalongkorn's Office of International Affairs and Global Network. 

Comparison of Thai and US library cards  John meeting with International Office director at Chulalongkorn University

3. PUBLIC: Bangkok City Public Library.  The Bangkok City Public Library is a network of 35 branch libraries throughout the city.  The Central Library is the crown jewel: constructed in 2017 using existing architecture of an historic art-deco government building, it is an amazing fusion of historic-on-the-outside and modern/artistic-on-the-inside.  Left: the exterior entrance, posing with a delegation of the Library's officers, including the Director of the entire Bangkok City Public Library network (right of me).  Right: the spacious interior with natural lighting.

Exterior of Bangkok City Public Library Interior of Bangkok City Public LIbrary

Left: an ornate crystal chandelier cascades down the open space between the library's 3 floors.  Right: having fun in a reading nook of the Children's Library.  The Bangkok City Public Library will be the public library participant in the ALA ASEAN Sister Library grant project.
Chandelier inside the Bangkok City Public Library John posing in front of children's reading nooks of the Bangkok City Public Library  

4. PUBLIC: TK Park Cyber Library.  Another type of public library in Bangkok is the network of TK Park ("Thailand Knowledge" Park) Cyber Libraries.  These don't fall under the authority of the Bangkok City Public Libraries, but rather, under other ministries and the governor's office.  The are high-tech libraries to promote tech-literacy, reading-literacy, and art/music creativity spaces.  Top Right: the TK Park main entrance, located in Central World, one of Bangkok's largest malls.  Top Left: honeycomb reading cubicles in the children's zone.  Bottom Right: the Wi-Fi quiet study zone.  Bottom Left: the music instrument & practice zone.

Entrance of TK Park cyber library in Thailand John in honeycomb cubicles area of TK Park cyber library, Thailand

TK Park cyber library wifi zone  TK Park cyber library music zone 


Visiting Thammasat University Library and International Office.  Thammasat is one of Thailand's top universities, and its library is impressive: modern facilities, robust collections, and great e-resources.  Left: outside the library entrance.  Right: in the book stacks with Thai LC classification signs.

John outside Thammasat University Library, Bangkok  John next to shelf sign of LC classification in Thai

Left: Library outreach promotion: a sign promoting a library Valentine's Day program--a free cupcake making workshop.  Right: The library adopted a stray cat which has now become its unofficial mascot.  It has its own library living space, and students are invited to come pet or play with the cat any time. 

Thammasat library promotion poster for Valentines Day     Cat adopted by Thammasat Library

Left: the Thammasat Library Reference Desk (decorated with hearts for Valentines Day).  Right: meeting with officers of Thammasat University's International Office: Ms. Surussawadee Artnonla and Mr. Tatthana Swatdiwetin.  We discussed ideas for increasing student exchanges in both directions, as well as a library training video to better prepare students.  A press release from Thammasat, on this meeting, is here.

Thammasat University Library Reference Desk    John with officers of Thammasat University International Office


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John Hickok