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READ 290: Citation Styles

This is a guide for students in READ 290.

Major Citation Styles

APA logoMLA logoChicago Manual of Style logo


This guide provides resources to help you correctly cite materials in various citation styles.

Free Citation Management Software

Please make use of free software that will help you create and manage your citations.

EndNote Web is an online citation management system that organizes your citations in a database with links to full-text.

Zotero is a Firefox browser add-on that collects, manages, and cites research sources.


There are several citation styles used to cite research materials. Most subject areas/majors use specific styles. Common subjects and related styles include:

  • APA (American Psychological Association) style is often used in Psychology, Education, and Business.
  • MLA (Modern Languages Association) style is often used in Humanities areas.
  • Chicago/Turabian is also used in the Humanities, such as History and some Fine Arts departments.


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