Welcome to COMM graduate study at CSUF!
If you are new to CSUF (studied elsewhere for your undergrad degree):
Examine all the blue tabs, above, of this Library Guide: they will introduce you to the best library resources for your study. Then keep reading, below, for more information relevant to you at the graduate level. You can also learn all about the library's resources & services at the library's homepage.
If you already attended CSUF as an undergrad:
You can review the blue tabs, above, of this Library Guide as a refresher the library's resources. Then keep reading, below, for more information relevant to you at the graduate level.
What if you want a particular book and our CSUF Library doesn't have it? There are other book search sites you can consult, and have the book sent to our library for you to pickup at no charge! (this service is included in your student fees).
OneSearch: All CSU's
In addition to searching our own CSUF Library collection, you can search the entire CSU system (all 23 campus libraries at once!). Just go to OneSearch Advanced and choose the "All CSUs" button at the top. Once you find your book (for example, suppose it is located at CSU-Sacramento), you can click the "Show Libraries" button to see which CSU libraries own it. Then you can click the "Sign in" button to request it. Books are shipped between the CSU campuses every day, so after you order it, it can arrive at our library within a few days. You can track the status of your delivery by signing in to "My Library" at the Library's homepage.
WorldCat: Worldwide libraries
If a book you want is not in any of the CSU libraries, a search site you can use to find it is WorldCat. WorldCat stands for world catalog, and it allows you to look for books in thousands of libraries worldwide, at once (university libraries, public libraries, government libraries, etc.) Once you find your book, you see which libraries have it, and then you can click the "Find It!" button to request it (you will be redirected to our InterLibrary Loan request page).
InterLibrary Loan works both for books and articles. For articles, when you are searching the Library's databases, sometimes they only provide the abstract only, no full-text. In those cases, click the blue
button at the abstract and a pop-up window will appear inviting you to go to the InterLibrary Loan request form (see screenshot to the right).
REGISTERING: If you've never done an ILL request, you will need to register first; it's easy: just fill in the blanks with your name, phone, address, etc. (A demo video of registering is here: )
TRACKING: Once you fill out the form for the article you want, you can track your request, just like an Amazon package. You do this by clicking "My Library" at the Library's homepage. Full details about ILL are here.
ENTIRE ILL PROCESS: To watch a video explaining all about how ILL works, click here: ).