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Pollak Library

Communications--Public Relations: Finding Video

Finding Video

The library has many videos relating to COMM.  For example, training videos, documentaries, broadcast recordings, and more.  The library has videos in 3 formats: streaming, DVDs, and VHS.

STREAMING.  The library subscribes to streaming videos from several vendors (Kanopy, Alexander Street, etc.)  To find streaming library videos, simply search the library's OneSearch search engine, just like you would for a book (either exact title, or keywords).  You can refine your search results to streaming videos by limiting to "video" on the left sidebar. 
DVDs. The library also has many physical DVDs.  These are kept at the library's Circulation Desk (first floor, south side) for check-out.  These are also searchable on OneSearch, the same way (titles or keywords), using the left sidebar to limit to "DVDs".  
VHS. Although VHS videocassettes are an old/undesirable format, the library has kept some VHS tapes that are related to COMM.  These tapes are also available for check-out at the Circulation Desk (first floor, south side) and searchable on OneSearch.  Equipment to view these tapes (VCR players) is available in rooms, on the fourth floor north, which can be reserved at the Circulation Desk.  

Communications Librarian

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John Hickok