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English & Comparative Literature Research Guide: Journal Research

Journal Research

Research a Journal 


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Journal Website: Google the Journal Title
Example: Shaw: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies 

Journal Title Search via OneSearch 
Example: Shaw: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies. You will find full-text links to JSTORProject Muse, and other databases where you can access articles in this journal.

Where Is the Journal Indexed? 
MLA International Bibliography
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
Scopus via the Pollak Library & Scopus via Elsevier Webiste

Ulrich's Periodical Directory 
Search approximately 250,000 regularly and irregularly published journals, magazines, newspapers, and full-text electronic resources from more than 200 countries. Search/browse by title, keyword, subject, ISSN or publisher; highlights of new, changed, and ceased titles.